Omega-3s may improve acne.

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Because of the underlying causes of acne, some people believe that omega-3s may prevent or improve it. Acne is generally considered an inflammatory skin condition and is marked body by tender bumps and pimples.

Omega-3s and inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA have anti-inflammatory effects. So, it’s speculated that they may indirectly fight by targeting inflammation สมัคร ufabet

In one small study, participants with had lower blood levels of EPA. And higher blood levels of certain inflammatory markers than participants without acne.

Yet, it’s not clear if supplementing with EPA or other omega-3s can prevent or treat.

A randomized, controlled trial in 45 people with mild to moderate found that taking 2,000 mg of EPA. And DHA supplements daily for 10 weeks significantly decreased both inflammatory and noninflammatory lesions.

On the other hand, a study in 13 people with inflammatory acne observed no significant changes in acne severity. Or the number of inflammatory lesions. After the participants took a daily fish oil supplement with 930 mg EPA for 12 weeks.

In fact, while some participants saw improvements. Other participants’ symptoms worsened. These mixed results suggest that the effectiveness of omega-3 supplements may depend on :

  • the person
  • the type of omega-3
  • the type of acne
  • other unknown factors

Overall, the research on the connection between omega-3s and inflammation-related is limited. More extensive studies are needed